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Essential Moves: Your Complete Guide to the Front Squat

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

how to front squat

A complete exercise program works every muscle group in the body. When it comes to the

legs and glutes, one movement to consider adding to your client’s workouts is the front squat. If you’re not real familiar with this exercise, this guide is for you.

What’s in This Guide to the Front Squat?

The main purpose of this guide is to teach you more about the front squat. This includes sharing:

  • What a front squat is

  • The benefits of front squatting

  • Proper front squat technique

  • Ways to change the front squat, different variations to consider

  • How to perform front squats without a barbell

  • Pros and cons of using a squat rack

  • Tips for creating an effective front squatting workout

What a Front Squat Is

A front squat is a squat that is performed while holding a barbell except, unlike with a back squat, the bar is held in front of the chest. This places more force on the upper body while still working the glutes, hamstrings, and hips.

Because of this posture, front squats are best suited for clients with good upper body strength and mobility. Wrist flexibility is also required to properly hold the barbell against the top of the chest.

Benefits of Front Squatting

Incorporating front squatting in a client’s fitness routine offers many advantages. The first is enhanced muscle growth. Like with back squats, front squats increase muscle mass in the lower body. They do this by working the quadriceps (quads), glutes, hips, and hamstrings. 

If your goal is to build the perfect glutes, front squats can help with that too. They also help strengthen the spinal erectors. These are muscles responsible for keeping the back straight. They also make it possible to rotate.

Unlike traditional squats, front squats work the upper body as well. Chest muscles, the upper back, shoulders, and muscles in the arms all help support the barbell when it is positioned in front of the chest. 

Another benefit of front squatting is that this movement can make it easier to perform other exercises. For instance, front squats build the strength necessary to perform a deadlift. They do this by increasing back strength. They also assist in building strength off the floor.

Proper Front Squat Position

What does a good front squat form look like? It begins with standing at the squat rack with the bar at mid-chest. Hands should be placed on the bar shoulder-width apart, palms facing out. Lower the body slightly in a semi-squat position, until the bar is directly in front of the shoulders. 

While in the semi-squat, move the elbows forward, lifting them as if you’re trying to point them toward the ceiling. This is important for two reasons. First, it keeps the torso upright. Second, it helps secure the bar against the chest.

The next step is to lift the bar up, removing it from the squat rack. Slowly step back, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing slightly outward. Breathe in and lower the body into a squat position. Ideally, the quads should be parallel to the floor.

Certain factors can impact a client’s ability to perform a proper front squat technique. For instance, good ankle mobility is necessary for lower body positioning. If this is an issue, the force of the lift could be placed on the toes versus the heels. This type of position also places more pressure on the quads than the posterior chain (lower back, glutes, and hamstrings). This can increase injury risk to the muscles in the upper leg, due to increased strain.

Some of these issues can be overcome by modifying the way the front squat is performed. As an example, if the client struggles due to poor wrist strength or flexibility, a safety squat bar can be used. This is a barbell with padded handles that can be laid on the shoulders, reducing the force on the wrists.

Front Squat Variations

The front squat position just explained is also known as a barbell front squat or high bar squat. What are additional variations to consider?

  • Zercher Squat. This squat also requires that the bar be placed in front of the body. The only difference is, instead of it resting on the top of the chest, it is cradled in the crooks of the elbows so it sits more toward the bottom of the chest.

  • Box Squat. You can also use a box to perform a front squat. This entails lowering the body to the box versus lowering toward the ground. The height of the box can be adjusted based on the client’s physical abilities and goals.

  • Split Squat. This variation involves squatting from more of a lunge position. One foot is positioned in front of the other when you lower toward the floor. There is another version called Bulgarian split squats. These are performed by placing one of your feet behind you as you squat, elevated on a bench, or some other type of platform.

kettlebell squat

Performing Front Squats Without a Barbell

Front squats are still an option if a barbell isn’t available. That makes these exercises possible for clients who don’t work out at a gym or if the fitness center they use doesn’t have this particular piece of equipment.

In cases such as these, you can replace the barbell squat with a kettlebell front squat or kettlebell goblet squat. This move involves holding the kettlebell against the top of the chest and doing squats with it in this position. 

You can make these loaded squats even harder by doing a double kettlebell front squat. The movement is the same but involves holding two kettlebells instead of one. This allows clients to lift heavier weights, increasing the resistance on the muscles.

If your clients want to make front squats easier, bodyweight squats are another option. To perform a bodyweight squat, the client follows the same squat technique but without a bar. It won’t work the upper body as much, but it will still provide a good lower body workout.

Should You Use a Squat Rack?

Some athletes prefer to use a squat rack when performing front squats. Others go without, performing a sort of deadlift to put the bar in the proper starting position. Which is best? There are pros and cons to each. 

The most notable advantage of using a squat rack is that it makes it easier for clients to lift heavier weights. Since they don’t have to start with the bar on the ground, they’re able to lift more. 

A con of beginning with the bar in proper rack position is that you miss the opportunity to work muscles harder. When you aren’t able to rely on a squat rack, your muscles must go through more motion to get the bar into the starting position. This engages more muscles in the body.

A pro of not using the squat rack is it can be easier for new clients to master proper form. They become more focused on their body’s placement versus concentrating on the rack.

At the same time, doing a front squat without a rack could potentially increase the risk of injury. This is because, in addition to doing the front squat, they must begin with a deadlift. The more movement an exercise has, the greater the risk that something can go wrong.

For these reasons, it’s important for personal trainers to look at each client individually. Assess their physical strength and ability to use proper form to determine which type of squat is best.

Creating an Effective Front Squat Workout

Front squats are great additions to a full-body workout. To make them even more effective for your clients, here are a few factors to consider:

  • Choosing the right weight. The amount of weight a client should be able to front squat depends on their sex, body weight, and level of fitness. For instance, a male who weighs 180 pounds and is a beginner should be able to front squat 130 pounds according to data collected from over 623,000 lifts. For a male of the same weight who is more advanced, this amount increases to 363 pounds.

  • An appropriate number of reps. If a client wants to create a slim, trim physique, performing a higher number of reps with a lower weight is key. If their goal is to build massive amounts of muscle, 1-5 reps with higher weights is a better choice.

  • Add other types of squats. Each type of squat works slightly different muscles. Thus, creating an effective squat routine requires incorporating different squat movements. Including a back squat or overhead squat, for instance, adds more variety.

  • Incorporate them into the client’s current program. If your client is already following a high-intensity interval training program, add squats into that. If they’re on a strength training plan, build this exercise in. The more seamless it is to integrate front squats into their current exercise plan, the more open they’ll be to doing them.

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